Welcoming the 2021-2022 Season


It's so wonderful to see more and more live performances picking back up! I kicked off the 2021-2022 season with a magical Harry Potter themed concert with the Longview Symphony. We really went all out with the decorations and it was a blast. This weekend, I'll be performing on an all Mozart concert with the McKinney Philharmonic, feel free to come by if you're in the neighborhood! 

While I'm still offering Zoom lessons and master classes but it's been great to return to my campuses and see more students in person! There are students who I have taught for a year and a half and have never met in person due to the pandemic so it was surreal to see them in "real life" for the first time this week. Many of our facilities were recently renovated during the time away and they all look really great. More importantly, many also received upgraded HVAC systems and other upgrades that make it safer to return to work and I'm so grateful for that. I have some master classes booked that will be opening to the public and I'll update everyone once we get closer to those dates.  

I've also created both clarinet and bass clarinet videos for those students audition for Region 24! If you're interested in watching them, all four of them are up on my YouTube channel. I hope that those auditioning find them to be a valuable resource, happy practicing! 
